Google Inbox – The Best Email Platform Available

About The Author
Cabe Nolan is the founder of WP Cover where he shares his insight into WordPress, development, & entrepreneurship. Outside of WPCover, Cabe continues to run a successful WordPress development firm, Bold City Design as well as a few high profile websites, Arrivala, Two Way Resume, Dock Skipper, and a successful outdoors brand, DolfinPack.

Google Inbox – The Best Email Platform Available

How many emails do you get a day? If you’re anything like me, it’s in the hundreds. I have been using Gmail since it’s inception, literally. When I was invited into the Google Inbox beta program almost a year ago I was very hesitant. How can you better the best email platform out there? Well let me tell you this: they did it!


Google Inbox has been the best blessing of 2015 (outside of health, family, and the other obvious stuff). It has restored my email sanity, here’s how:

  • Your email is now a to do list – This is the easiest way to explain how Google Inbox operates. It’s no longer an inbox of emails, some from three months ago, some from last week, and some from this morning. It’s now a to do list of tasks you’ve completed and tasks you haven’t.
  • If it’s not time to complete a task yet, snooze it – Carrying on with this to-do list mentality, we have the ability to snooze an email to a later date and have it resurface at just the right time. Rather than having that email sitting in your inbox telling you to file your taxes by April 18th, simply snooze the email until April 17th. Your inbox has now been de-cluttered of items you don’t currently need to pay attention to. You can even get specific and re-snooze an email to a specific time. It can act as a reminder to make a phone call, go to an appointment, or complete a task prior to closing out your day.
  • Finished with a task? Mark it done – There’s no longer a trash, there’s just a to do, a snoozed, and a done. When you’re finished with an email, click the checkbox to mark it as done. You can always search through your done items and restore it as a to do item if need be.
  • Email grouping – Keeping trips organized has never been easier. Google Inbox will automatically organize flights, rental cars, hotels, and more into a convenient travel group. When it’s time to takeoff, you’ll no longer be searching through your email to find multiple confirmations, they’re all in one spot.
  • Reminders – How many times do you email information to yourself? There’s got to be a better way, and with Google Inbox there is! Simply create reminders, they will be added to the top of your to do list similar to an email. When you’re finished with a reminder you mark it as done just like an email. You can also snooze reminders if desired.
  • Mobile App – Just like Gmail, Google Inbox has it’s own mobile app for iPhone and Android. Once installed and configured you can swipe right and swipe left to mark emails done or snooze to a later date.


Google Inbox has revitalized my ability to handle emails. I’m more productive, spend less time searching, and in general feel like I’m always able to stay on task. With Google Inbox finally coming out of beta last month, it’s never been a better time to convert your Gmail account over.

Looking for more productivity tips?  Checkout my article on Trello!



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